Let Me Introduce Myself

I have been creating D&D content for over about 5 years now, so it seems about time I got myself a website created. I am a programmer, so I don’t really have much of an excuse either! So anyways, my name is Steven Williams AKA Nerzugal and I am the one responsible for putting out all of the content you see under the Nerzugal name.

It has been so challenging and enjoyable to create content over these years. I have written over 1,000 pages of content when you factor in the formatting that is used, so it has been quite the adventure but I love every moment of it. I am a team of 1, so I handle the writing of content, formatting, editing, publication, etc… There is one particular area where I have to hire others for help – art! I am no artist, so I must use the talent of professionals to provide the graphics for my book.

Art has actually been one of the biggest points of contention with my products. I use sketch style art for my books. The primary reason is the cost to fairly pay an artist for full-color work. My books are self-funded so it is quite difficult for me to put $5,000 of my own money to get 20 pieces of art when I am unsure on whether or not I will be able to recuperate those costs. Being a solo content creator isn’t always glamorous though and sometimes you have to do what makes sense!

This site will primarily be to inform those searching for D&D products about my books, but I do plan on doing occasional posts where I share my plans for future content. Perhaps as things develop I can find something to publish more regularly to the site, but with the rules of the DM’s Guild and their exclusive publishing rights, I won’t be able to publish anything to here that will later be used in a book.

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