The fourth installment in the Dungeon Master Toolkits series features 5 Adventures, 2 Dungeons, 10 Puzzles, and 100+ Creature Stat Blocks, as well as a Mega Adventure! The most content of any book I’ve released with the most artwork as well including over 20 maps! Available as a PDF or in print. Digital download includes
The latest in my serious of Dungeon Master Toolkits features 5 Adventures, 10 Puzzles, 20 NPCs, and 100 Monster Stat Blocks. As always, these features are all available to drop into any campaign setting! Rated 4.8/5 Stars on the DM’s Guild and a Gold Best-Seller!
Nerzugal’s Dungeon Master Toolkit 2 is the largest book in the series with over 250 pages of content for DMs to use in their games. It includes 5 Dungeons as well as 5 One-Shots, 10 Puzzles, 100 Magic Items, and 100 Monsters! With over sixty hours worth of content, you can get years of use
Nerzugal’s Tome of Horrifying Adventures breaks away from the format of the Dungeon Master Toolkits and instead provides a book of ten terrifying adventures that you can bring to your table. These adventures range from level 1 all the way up to 17 and contains over fifty hours of entertainment within its pages. If you
The Game Master Toolkit was my first dive into the Open Gaming License world with a primary objective of having a physical book I could hold in my hands. Well, after hundreds of hours of work, the goal was accomplished. Nerzugal’s Game Master Toolkit is written with D&D 5th Edition in mind and will easily
The Game Master Toolkit was my first dive into the Open Gaming License world with a primary objective of having a physical book I could hold in my hands. Well, after hundreds of hours of work, the goal was accomplished. Nerzugal’s Game Master Toolkit is written with D&D 5th Edition in mind and will easily